Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ramblings #13 (Dirty Talk and Pop-Tarts)

I'm going into full-blown Aspie mode. I'm the freaking Aspie Alligator! I'm writing this while listening my new favorite song: Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INDIE GIRL!? I'm loving pop music again! I have listened to nothing but this song for days!

Here's the irony. I'm asexual.

I shouldn't like this song. Yet I do. It's so poetic, with lines such as "Our conservations aren't long, but you know what is" (sarcasm.) I normally don't like sexy songs, but I'm loving this one! although I don't like 2 Chainz's part:"I got her in my phone under Big Booty." really? With an language gap, how is dirty talk possible? Don't both parties need to understand the same language?

I'm doing this also with an Anti-Flag song called "Anatomy of Your Enemy." I like the message in this song though. I like the political nature of it. I like how it speaks the truth! If you think about it, even America does this with their enemies. When we went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan, We thought all the Middle East was militant and hell-bent on destroying us, because of an isolated set of incidents. What happened? Stereotypes. We assume that the Middle East is the terrorism capital of the world, and it may be, but what we fail to realize is that terrorism is everywhere.

I hate how America tries to form other countries throughout history to become democracies, when America isn't even a Democracy, but actually is a Republic. We're the new kids in town, but we like to play like we run the world, and we like to stick our noses into everyone else's business. Why fix what isn't broken?

I want pop tarts.

~Brieanna Romero (The Random Capital of the World)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ramblings #12 (Inspiration and Indie)

I don't think that was the inspiration I had in mind.
I have no idea why earworms happen. Especially with that stupid song "We Can't Stop" GOOOOOOODDDDDD! I hate that song! yet I find myself swaying to it and singing along, even though I really don't like top 40. Except for "Applause." I don't like Lady Gaga that much, but I love that song. It reminds me of me, except for I'm not a swan. :)

That's what media does: it feeds us. It feeds our information, our ideas, our trends, our memes, our opinions; wow, it feeds a lot. 

In my mind, I love having media with me. If everyone thought exactly like me (God forbid, [I wouldn't want to live in a world where everyone was as crazy as me, that would be anarchy!]) Anyways, If this anarchic world was the way the world actually was, then that world wouldn't use media in a negative way. They would use media for inspiration as well as seeing objective information. The use of media to spread lies is unacceptable. But we accept it freely. It's like the State Farm commercial about the Internet. (uhhhh... bonjour!)

So, back to Gaga. She does not inspire me. However, the message in "Applause" is inspirational. I am a performer. I live for applause. I'm kind of an attention whore, for lack of a better term. I love it when people like me. Being shy and an outcast in school really made me crave whatever good attention would come to me. I hated not feeling like I mattered just because my social skills are wired differently. (Ironically, in the skill finder test, my biggest strength was communication.) 

However, it was great music, indie music that inspired me, like DIIV, Phoenix,  Gogol Bordello, Grouplove, The Naked and Famous, M83, The Black Keys, Passion Pit, The Maine, and so many others that I can't really think of right now. This kind of music inspired me to break out of my shell that I had kept over myself since kindergarten, and to be confident. Top 40 never did that, ever!

As an artist, that's what I would use media for: inspiration. In my perfect life, I believe that's where it would fit the most.

~ロメロ・ブリアナ (The perfect place to finalize my Japanese name.)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ramblings #11 (Drums and Symbols)

The First Symbol
I surround myself with media. My Psychology class is actually challenging me to unplug from media (except for school work, thank God!) Anyways, in the media so many symbols are presented to me via many sources. It is being without those sources that forces me to actually look at what I'm missing. It's like the famous saying, "You never know what you have until it's gone." Well now that it's gone, I have nothing to do. It shocked me how much free time I have. Normally, I breeze through homework like a boss! Now I realize that I am stuck with nothing to do.

The Second Symbol

Anyways, many of the symbols presented to me never cross my mind. In fact, the symbols that actually do make a difference I found through interests. The first symbol (above) is an eighth note, and it is very strong and powerful in my life. I grew up surrounded by music. I surround myself with tons of diverse styles of music and have even played music myself. I am a musician. I actually know how to play the bass and how to drum. I am an animal behind those drums. I'm like Animal! :D

My other symbol is more personal. I like the design, but also the idea behind it. The Celtic cross is a straightforward representation of my Christian faith. But I also love the origin. This is directly related to my ancestry. I have 5 different ethnic ancestors: Spanish, Dutch, German, Cherokee, and CELTIC! My elongated first name is IRISH! I have a strong sense of ancestry. I respect it and I love the cultures surrounding it.

I have a strong pride in what is mine, both in musical ability and ancestry. My symbols are not just for show. They are an integral part of my character.

~Brieanna Romero (The European mutt)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Music Breaks #1

I think out of all the mediums that could affect me, music is one of the most powerful. I surround myself with music. I've got all this music that I immerse myself into. It's euphoria to listen to music. I love how music's effects make me feel. It's like a high, but the only thing that I put into my body was sound waves. I am a little biased, I will admit, a lot of music that I love is weird, sounds kind of closed minded to only like indie and weird, but never fear! Open mindness is here. I listen to EVERYTHING! I will give (almost) any song a chance. (there are some bands that I will never listen to *cough*ICP*cough*Slipknot*cough) Hey, I don't judge juggalos or metalheads. Don't judge me, kay?

Stuff I like right now. 

1) Cthulhu Sleeps by deadmau5
deadmau5 may be mainstream, but there is a real reason why he's mainstream. He is fantastic at what he does. Mainstream does not equal crap or stupid. Mainstream can be just as good as something underground. 

2) I'll Be With You by Cheese People
This song is crazy! I don't know why this song isn't popular, although it does sound very reminiscent of the 70's. It's like a Russian soul train, if you will. It does feature a very weird heavy metal-esque breakdown that even adds to more weirdness. It's like Kool and the Gang had an indie heavy metal baby. 

3) Witchcraft by Pendulum
I really love the blending of styles in this song. It's really weird to want to dance to rock music, then go straight to electronica and then Drum and Bass. Plus the album art is freaking awesome! 

4) Isjaki by Sigur Ros
I love international music. American music is so mainstream. This is the prime example of why the rest of the world is getting their music right. The lyrics are in Icelandic, but it's so familiar to me, it kind of sounds like a love song. The musical styling is so gritty, but so beautiful. It's a juxtaposition in perfect harmony.
5) My Love by Blackmill
Chillstep has arrived. And it's more beautiful then I could have ever imagined it.

Stuff I hate.
1) Something Grimm by Blood on the Dance Floor
Yes, I know, Dahvie will come after me and call me a tease later, or give my number out so the SGTC can harass me for not liking one of BOTDF's songs. But honestly, I've heard this song from them before. It sounds exactly like all their other "inspirational" songs, with the intro to Skillet's The Last Night thrown in.

2) Kalimba by Mr. Scruff 
Mr. Scruff, why? This song is just too repetitive. If you make a really repetitive song, make it short. I listened to all 6 minutes of this song. The only part that I remotely liked was the violins.

3) We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus
Okay, I think that everybody and their dog hates this song. Miley, it's okay to grow up, but know that half your fanbase is fading away from your grasp.

4) Get Lucky by Daft Punk
Great song, but WAAAAAY too overplayed.

5) 1901 by Phoenix
Yes, an indie song I hate. I love Phoenix, but I can't stand how overplayed this song is on Indie stations. It's gotten really old, really quickly.

~Brieanna Romero (Stay classy, blogspot.)

Ramblings #10 (Sandwiches and Sexism)

I'm a girl, yes. but I refuse to make any of these for guys,
unless I work at a sandwich shop.
The meme is super popular these days. You can go online to know your meme and just see what reddit and memebase can do to normal people (bad luck brian? heard of him?) Memes are hilarious, but many of them are against women.

Like this one: 

I've seen this one a thousand times. It's funny, but it's sexist. It reinforces what the media is portraying women as. It portrays women as submissive, and if not submissive, the media calls women "bitchy." The male is the alpha male and expects the woman to be submissive, just like every TV show there is to see. 

I saw a documentary called Miss Representation that portrays this sexism very well. With staggering stats and many women speaking out against this phenomenon, we see the other side of the media: the afflicted. I'm someone who is very afflicted by the media. I'm a big girl. I'm healthy, other than my occasional nutella kick. No shame in that. The media, with airbrushing and Photoshop, makes this impossible standard of beauty that us women can't hold on to, and frankly that is enough to piss me off. 

I know that I'm not perfect like the media would want me to be. I want to be a spokesperson, and I know that I will get the short end of the stick if my looks are not up to par: I mean come on, I'm going to be representing a company. They're gonna want me to look good. No problem with that, though. 

I like looking good. So do many other women at the college I go to. I did some people watching and I learned very quickly that many of the women here are dressed to impress, whether it be themselves or somebody else. a lot (not all) of women here wear clothing that is revealing. They're showing off their best assets, if you will, and if they're not wearing revealing clothes, they're still wearing clothing that are very stylish. This reinforces that notion and the stereotype of women that they should only care about their looks. Come on, college is not meant to be a fashion show. It's supposed to be a workout for your mind. It's supposed to be academic knowledge, rather than your fashion knowledge. Look cute if you want to, but also make sure your mind is sharp. That's what I do. :)

~Brieanna Romero

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ramblings #9 (number nine, number nine, number nine)

Ahhh The Beatles. Creativity is what made the Beatles good, Their songs were amazing. I feel at peace when I listen to them, ugh, media, why do you do this to me!? I'M SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING! NO! no. no. no. Seriously, now I feel scatterbrained, in a state of temporary psychosis. Psychology makes me feel very odd. I seriously feel like I should be sleeping, and it's only 12:34. OH MY GOD! 1,2,3,4! Oh never mind, now it's 12:35.  What must I do? To Feel at peace.

Wow, my thoughts are scatterbrained, nine, nine, nine. Why must this happen to me. I guess it shows how influential people are. John Lemon, I'm talking to you. IMAGINE ALL THE CITRUS! in my lemona-a-a-a-a-de!

mmm lemons. Why do people make lemons out to be so sour? Lemons are awesome. I'm insensitive to acids. I have a very high pain and sour tolerance, maybe explaining why  can empty a whole bottle of lemon juice into my tea and I end up unscathed. If you become interested enough in mind over matter, then you will find that you can do anything you set your mind to. I should try that for nutella, just imagining that it's next to me. Oh wait, it actually is.

~Brieanna Romero (a.k.a. number 19, number 19, number 19)

P.S. My inspiration today was the song Revolution 9. I wrote all of this in the eight minutes that the song played for, completely unedited. and candid. you can listen here, and see how scatterbrained and random my inspiration was.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ramblings #8 (Bacon and Aliens)

If aliens ever come to our planet, I hope they look like this.
My U.S. History class kept talking about Nathaniel Bacon today.... I really love bacon. Thank God for his rebellion. In my notes about him, I wrote how he rose to power..... of the breakfast plate! :D

This kind of proves our weirdness as a society... wait, correction... my weirdness. I don't think that I represent society as a whole. The fact that I can salivate from a history lesson is beyond me. I remember the lesson better now, all because of breakfast meat. That's an association that I can really sink my teeth into.

I wonder what aliens think about the earth. Do they wonder if there is life out there? Or do they know? I miss my planet.. :)

I wonder how we would represent ourselves to the aliens. The earth should send them a vine. First we have to hail an alien vessel, probably the best bet would be to use dubstep. Then we send them the vine. It would have Obama (perhaps the guy who is making the Obama vines instead,) and Obama would say "Best planet in the universe!" The camera pans to show war, famine, and disease, with a small piece being okay. That sounds like an accurate representation of what's going on right now. I don't like how the government is trying to assure us that were all okay. We're not. Aliens shouldn't invade this place. We've got too much baggage as a society to welcome more intergalactic baggage. Although I would welcome a galaxy print bag with open arms. :D