Friday, September 13, 2013

Music Breaks #1

I think out of all the mediums that could affect me, music is one of the most powerful. I surround myself with music. I've got all this music that I immerse myself into. It's euphoria to listen to music. I love how music's effects make me feel. It's like a high, but the only thing that I put into my body was sound waves. I am a little biased, I will admit, a lot of music that I love is weird, sounds kind of closed minded to only like indie and weird, but never fear! Open mindness is here. I listen to EVERYTHING! I will give (almost) any song a chance. (there are some bands that I will never listen to *cough*ICP*cough*Slipknot*cough) Hey, I don't judge juggalos or metalheads. Don't judge me, kay?

Stuff I like right now. 

1) Cthulhu Sleeps by deadmau5
deadmau5 may be mainstream, but there is a real reason why he's mainstream. He is fantastic at what he does. Mainstream does not equal crap or stupid. Mainstream can be just as good as something underground. 

2) I'll Be With You by Cheese People
This song is crazy! I don't know why this song isn't popular, although it does sound very reminiscent of the 70's. It's like a Russian soul train, if you will. It does feature a very weird heavy metal-esque breakdown that even adds to more weirdness. It's like Kool and the Gang had an indie heavy metal baby. 

3) Witchcraft by Pendulum
I really love the blending of styles in this song. It's really weird to want to dance to rock music, then go straight to electronica and then Drum and Bass. Plus the album art is freaking awesome! 

4) Isjaki by Sigur Ros
I love international music. American music is so mainstream. This is the prime example of why the rest of the world is getting their music right. The lyrics are in Icelandic, but it's so familiar to me, it kind of sounds like a love song. The musical styling is so gritty, but so beautiful. It's a juxtaposition in perfect harmony.
5) My Love by Blackmill
Chillstep has arrived. And it's more beautiful then I could have ever imagined it.

Stuff I hate.
1) Something Grimm by Blood on the Dance Floor
Yes, I know, Dahvie will come after me and call me a tease later, or give my number out so the SGTC can harass me for not liking one of BOTDF's songs. But honestly, I've heard this song from them before. It sounds exactly like all their other "inspirational" songs, with the intro to Skillet's The Last Night thrown in.

2) Kalimba by Mr. Scruff 
Mr. Scruff, why? This song is just too repetitive. If you make a really repetitive song, make it short. I listened to all 6 minutes of this song. The only part that I remotely liked was the violins.

3) We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus
Okay, I think that everybody and their dog hates this song. Miley, it's okay to grow up, but know that half your fanbase is fading away from your grasp.

4) Get Lucky by Daft Punk
Great song, but WAAAAAY too overplayed.

5) 1901 by Phoenix
Yes, an indie song I hate. I love Phoenix, but I can't stand how overplayed this song is on Indie stations. It's gotten really old, really quickly.

~Brieanna Romero (Stay classy, blogspot.)

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