Friday, August 30, 2013

Ramblings #7 (Friendship and Media)

Ugh, I think I've never been sick as I am now. I feel terrible. That's why I'm glad I have connections to the media. I can stay home from class and recoup and still get homework done. My class is miles away, but my professor will still see the manifestation of my hard work.

I digress. I get so stressed when I wake up late. The great part of having a sick day is that I can work on more homework. The only thing is that I still have a quiz today, and I could either go to that class sick and take the quiz or miss it, and the chance to take my exam. That class is hard to pass if you miss class.

God, I keep digressing. Back on point here. The media really helped me in the aspect of friend making. I was never really social growing up, and I had friends, but I really didn't talk to them much. I was really scared to talk to them face to face, in fear of messing something up and them never talking to me again. Facebook really helped me in high school to socialize with my classmates. If I typed something in that I didn't like, then I could just delete it before sending it, whereas with face to face communication, I immediately sent messages and couldn't delete them afterwards.

The most profound of these was my best friend Maja (I call her Mimi.) I met her in person, but Facebook helped me a lot in socializing with her and her friends in person. I could measure up responses and keep conversation going just based off of my conversations on Facebook. From Mimi came my friends Kaylyn, Alex, Casey, and Billy. Had I not met Mimi, I probably wouldn't had met any of these other people that I'm friends with now. The media has a bad rap, but there are some positives to it too, mainly making this weird antisocial Aspie social again.

1 comment:

  1. For sure - there are plenty of positives to media technology. Amazing how it can pave the way for lifelong relationships.
